Wright Choice Septics

Residential NH Septic Designs

The Wright Choice offers One Free on-site consultation.

The Wright Choice is a well respected and recognized expert in all the following types of systems used in NH:

  • Stone & Pipe

  • Enviro-Septic Leaching Tubes

  • Geo-flow Leaching Tubes

  • Concrete Chambers

  • Eljen Indrain

  • Trenches

The Wright Choice designs for Developed, Existing, and New Sites. Challenging sites will benefit from our extensive knowledge & experience with “Innovative & Alternative” designs and Aerobic Pretreatment options from such leading companies as:

  • Clean Solutions by Wastewater Alternatives

  • SeptiTech

  • Bioclere by Aquapoint

Aerobic Pretreatment can reduce the Field size by 50% to as much as 90%, depending on soils and municipal regulations, for residential properties. Though the Aerobic Unit costs more than a standard septic tank, the savings derived from the smaller field size makes it a very viable option, especially for developed lots.

Lots with Ledge or near Water/Wetlands, or Developed lots have many aspects to look at, to ensure that the design can be installed, and installed as cost effectively as possible. Because it can be drawn on paper doesn’t necessarily mean it can be built. Can equipment access the septic area, or will materials need to be staged or shuttled in with small equipment? Are there fences, overhead wires, etc. to be dealt with? Are other permits like Shoreland or Tidal needed?

Vents are a concern for most homeowners. Certain types of systems require vents. Pumping to a Field from a Septic Tank requires both a low vent (usually 3 feet tall) and a high vent (usually 13 feet tall since it needs to be 10 feet taller than the low vent). Vents can be run to a remote location and/or decorative vents can be used. For example, a low vent that looks like a granite hitching post can be run to the side of a drive. If 2 or 3 additional vents/posts are spaced along the side of the drive with a chain run between, it would look like an architectural feature instead of a septic.

Commercial NH Septic Designs

The Wright choice is noted for Commercial Designs that accommodate flows of 300 Gallons Per Day (GPD) to 20,000 GPD for New and Existing:

  • Motels

  • Shopping Centers & Malls

  • Subdivisions

  • Age Restrictive Housing Developments

  • Safety Complex

  • Vacation Resorts & Campgrounds

  • Manufacturing & Distribution Facilities

And the Wright Choice was featured in the national trade magazine “The Installer” for its part in a difficult winter replacement for an active motel.

Extensive knowledge and experience with the many design and pretreatment options can enable you to get the most from your commercial project. Lots in a proposed subdivision that would have been lost due to their inability to support an individual septic, could become viable by pumping to a community system. And with the use of aeration pretreatment the field size could be cut in half. These are just a few of the many ways your project could benefit.

Penny R. Wright has designed septic systems for:

  • Wentworth-Douglass Hospital Outreach Physical Therapy Center - Lee, NH

  • Town of Stratham Safety Complex

  • Lindt Chocolate Expansion - Stratham, NH

  • Proposed National Guard Training Facility

  • Town of Piermont Leach Fields for the Sewage Treatment Facility

  • Nordic Village & Nestlenook Resort - Jackson, NH

  • Rye Recreation Are - Rye, NH

  • Great Island common - New Castle, NH

  • Baxter Lake Campground - Rochester, NH

The Wright Choice is an expert in Septic Construction Inspection Reports for installations of systems of 2,500 GPD or more (Env-Wq 1004.06c).

The Wright Choice looks forward to helping you with your next project!

Phone: 603-679-1455

Mobile: 603-303-5552

Fax: 603-679-5599